(no subject)

May 30, 2005 21:56

I'm beyond pissed off right now... words can't even discribe my anger... if it gives you guys who know me a clue... I'm crying... my hands are shaking... my body is shaking... my teeth are clinched... my nose is twitching... and yet tears still find a way down my cheek... So those of you who care... or are bored... wanna know why?... fine I'll tell you... sense I have to vent anyways... and screaming isn't allowed... because rent's are asleep... but I just talked to the whore for about an hour... well talked for about a minute... argued for about 30... and yelled the rest... and the majoraty of the words... suprisingly... wern't curse words... ~le gasp~... she's moved out... though the apartment is full of trash... I saw this for myself... and have pictures if you all would like to see... first some Ideas of what it was like when I left... now that I have the pictures... I moved out and she decided to make herself a nice pig stie... not even two days... and this is what everything looked like... as like when I left... the day and a half before... which was nice and clean... like I tried my hardest to keep it while I was there... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0128Image0022.jpg ... that's all crap from her car... most of it ended up in the livingroom closet... this is what was my bathroom ended up looking like a day and a half after I moved out... litter all over the floor... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0128Image0031.jpg ... and there was litter in the tub and the sink... and tp was all over the cubbord... and then about a month later... this is what my bathroom looked like... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0530beccas0001.jpg ... where the cats went... I don't know... but that's gross... and she didn't clean it up... like... litterly... this is what it looked like four months after I moved out... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0530beccas0064.jpg ... and instead of cleaning it up... she put a sign on the door for her "company"... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0530beccas0063.jpg ... yet everything worked fine... just when you opend the door... it the smell would hit you so hard that it could knock you over... and for some reason... she left the screen door open... I don' tknow why... debries were over the floor from the trees outside... along with cig butts... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0530beccas0069.jpg ... and the livingroom closet... which did have the cleaning things in it... I guess became a trash room... thing... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0530beccas0071.jpg ... and another funny thing... under the sink where we kept trash... still has all the same bottles as it did when I moved out... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v234/lemurmonster/2005_0530beccas0072.jpg ... because one of those bottles of vodka was from a night that she got pissed off at me... and I guess got so mad at me that it was worse then when she gets frustrated with her father... only it was over a stupid bottle of liquor... shows her priorites... but... um... not going to vent everything that went on in the conversation... because we don't have that kind of time... but because she waited so long to move out... I can't afford to pay the whole breaklease fee... so she has to pay half... but she expects me to pay her back that half... and I'm so not going to... well... hands are still shaky... and it's been over an hour... I"m going to go for a walk.
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