May 16, 2006 09:32
Greetings Children Spawn of the Internet! (Yes you have all adopted that nickname, why? Cause I said so, that and I like saying it…>.<)
So, it latest retrospect you wonder what has transpired that causes me… of all people to update my LJ two dates in a row… OMG a rare event even when I had access to the net for several hours each day!
Well… not much
Darren had a sorta episode yesterday, which freaked a few people out. One minute he’s sitting there, the next he’s grabbing his chest and struggling to breathe! Yeah… fuck. So Dani and took him to the nurse person, I pegged at chest pains when I collected her, she pegged it as some stomach or cardiac thing (that's the heart (this note is for the dumbasses))
Anyway… he was all white and hyperventilating and shaking and all that, pretty scary.
Dani sorta lost it, she was sitting there, just lost and panicked looking, luck we'd run into Tara and Katherine and they could comfort her. I managed to send them all off the class to grab our shit (you know books and bags, etc) as class was ending. A little after they left, Darren was able to breathe again, sorta, not with out pain and was able to stand for short periods of time.
So he got bundled into the ambulance (they are green and white here in WA)
He rang and texted me later that night (last night (this note is once again for the dumbasses)). Basically he’s fine and has to go for tests this morning and should be back at school this arvo so it’s all good…
As he will have a speed recovery to the internet
Now every one who gives a damn raise you hand
*looks around*
I thought so
Laters - Dracie-kun