(no subject)

Apr 18, 2008 05:15

That's how long it is until I will be on vacation from my personal soap opera also known as my job.

3PM and I'll be away from my assistant headmaster who stalks the hallways with his billowing grey hair.

3PM and I'll be away from the class of 17 who earned 5 suspensions and 1 expulsion for drinking alcohol in my classroom.
(so actually, that'll be 16 students).

3PM and I'll be away from the new headmaster who I've lovingly started calling "bow tie boy".
And my personal mantra, "Never trust a man in a bow tie" has really been something to seriously be mindful of.

I can make it.
I know I can.

The interesting part is, as much as I complain about this job, there are many things that I do love about it.
Contracts were supposed to come out last week.  I have a feeling they'll be out right before we break.
There is a part of me that wants to return.  There is a part of me that wants to be offered a contract and I can decline.
I'm pretty possitive that I won't be offered one, and that really bugs me.
I have become the scapgoat of the impossible class that prides themselves as having already driven one teacher out of the profession.

3PM and I can start to write again!
3PM and I can work on my new lj account!

Note:  I am trying to change over from dracoluvah to
if you can hop over there and friend me that would be awesome!!!
I'll let everyone know when the switch may be complete.
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