My one year anniversary here!

Dec 28, 2007 21:33

So, a year ago today, I joined this fabulous community and attempted to write.  I have had such an amazing experience and have learned so much from so many of you!  I look forward to growing as a writer and continuing my friendships with my awesome f-list!  (It seems like London in the summertime won't be happening due to lack of money, but I do hope to meet some of you in person in the future!)

So ... here's a little something to celebrate this milestone:

Title:  After Seven Years
Rating:  NC-17
Word count: 666 (can you stand it)
Pairing: Harry/Hermione/Ron (I Know ... I've never read one of this threesome before, yet this came out of me)
Warnings:  Het threeway ... don't know what dark corner of my mind this drabble came from, but I couldn't get rid of it ... so here it is ... to get it out of my journal and out of my mind.  (and not only is it a het/3-way, but an unbeta'd one at that)

After seven years of "knowing" looks, Hermione decided that she had had enough! All of Hogwarts thought that she was the cream filling of a Gryffindor sandwich, and by all rights ... she should have been! She was an attractive girl, the boys were ... well, to put it bluntly ... boys. How could all three of them have made it to this point in their Hogwarts education with their virginity in tact?

"OK. I have decided that this ends tonight!" Hermione, in frustration, barked her statement to the confused boys.

"What ends tonight?" the red head's eyes squinted and head tilted a bit to the side.

"Oh, do I have to spell everything out for you Ronald! I am a seventeen year old girl! I have been flirting with you for almost seven years now. How daft can one person be! And you Harry! You really are not much better. Look at me! Really, take a moment, both of you, open your fucking eyes and LOOK AT ME!"

Harry turned to her, looking at this young woman whom he had never noticed before. He drank in every inch of her with his green eyes. He started looking up from the bottom. Her legs in sheer black tights were breathtaking. Then his eyes moved up to her delicious thighs. The silhouette far shapelier then he ever remembered. Her skirt was shorter then he remembered as well, yet at this moment it wasn't short enough. As he continued to marvel at the woman he had never truly seen before, he walked across the room, taking in her beauty with his hands running up and down her maturing figure. When did she get such supple breasts? And with her shirt unbuttoned, with the exception of two lowly buttons, he was mesmerized by the flesh in front of him. When did she change from the bushy haired eleven year old and turn into this amazingly sensual woman?

Hermione took a step closer to him, cupping his growing erection in her hands, and whispered into his ear, "I am going to fuck the ever living shit out of you."

Harry stood frozen in disbelief.

"Ron," Hermione walked silkily to the red head, "And you are going to take that freckled cock of yours, and you ... Ronald Weasley ... are going to fuck my arse. You are going to bury your cock so far up me that I'll be able to taste your come tomorrow."

"Ah, OK," Ron uttered, stunned, yet aroused.

After a quick lubrication charm to her front and back entrance, and banishing all unnecessary clothing, she shoved Harry onto a chair and straddled him. With a look of hunger in her eyes and biting her lower lip, she lowered herself onto Harry. How she had longed to feel him inside her. Oh how he was filling an ache that her fingers never could fill. She let out a scream with her first thrust. She was delighting in Harry's cock, savoring the hardness. Having earlier cast a silencing charm, she could let out each moan, each scream. And Harry's grunts only fed her desires. She reveled in her ability to give him pleasure.

"Let's ... move ... to the bed," she managed to utter. As the pair moved, she pulled Ron along with them.

As Hermione remounted the seeker, Harry exclaimed, "Gods, your so fucking wet."

Ron eagerly slid behind Hermione and played with her rear.

"Now Ron!" She commanded.

The read-head hesitated, "But, I should loosen your ...."


Obeying Hermione, he took command of her pleasure, inserting himself into her tight arse.

"OH, Fuck!" she screamed. "Oh, fucking ... oh ... Harry ... Ron ... I can't"

"Yes you can!" both boys growled. The three established a rhythm that increased in frequency.

Both boys were beyond words.

When did Hermione turn into someone who could bring their cocks to life?

Why hadn't they ever attempted anything like this before?

What would they try next time?


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