(no subject)

Dec 14, 2007 15:44

Thank you everyone for the awesome birthday wishes and gifts!
I have such an awesome f-list!
*hugs and kisses you all*

Here are some of the treats that I have been given (some for xmas, some for my b-day):

Title - While He Sleeps
Author - softly_sweetly
Beta - None, mistakes are mine alone
Rating - PG
Word Count - ~500
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings - Slash, Fluff, First Person, Fluff
Dracoluvah's comments:  This made me want to crawl into bed with the boys. Mmmmmm ;-)

Title: The Strange Effects of Love And Italian Leather Upon The Whackfoggle Wizarding Hunt Club, or How Miss Clarissa Portree-Genetton Lost a Prospective Husband But Gained a New Name 
Author:  nehalenia
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Snape/Draco (duh!)
Word Count: 7,102
Author's summary:  It's got humor, banter, Snape in a temper, Draco in hot riding togs and a hearty helping of smex. It also has the longest title of anything I've ever written, but I swear, every word is necessary. *grin*
Dracoluvah's comments:  yes, yes!  This was quite a yummy story!  It was written for the

Title - In The Dungeons
Author - softly_sweetly
Beta - She Who Rocks My Christmas Socks - potion_lady
Rating - NC17
Word Count - ~800
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco/Severus
Dracoluvah's comments:  A fantastic story with my OT3.  It has house ties and invisibility cloaks ... melts!

sesheta_66 wrote a cute little limerick based on the game that introduced us to one another. 
Faynia and I had a little bit of fun squicking Sesheta out with the thought of Snape in bed with the boys.
hd_boardgame style, I'll leave you with this little limerick:

Dracoluvah she loved her some Draco,
She loved him with Harry but also,
She let Snape tag along,
No matter how wrong,
Poor Sesheta cried that it was-O.

ships_harry drew an amazing picture of my OT3.  I'll dream of this image often!
Title: Beg to differ
Rating: PG for boy nipple?
Who: Harry/Draco/Snape
Why: Because there's a birthday, and I am actually managing to pre-empt it for once! Ahahah!\
Warnings: None at all
What: Image plus caption

Thank you all again so very much.  I can't tell you how you made my day!
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