B-day Fic

Nov 03, 2007 08:51

Title:  Coffee, Tea, or Me?
Author:  Dracoluvah
Rating: R
Pair:  Snape/Draco
Word Count:  300
Summary:  Late at night, one never knows what can happen in Snape's lab.
Prompt:  A belated birthday treat for the lovely

ships_harry who requested "Snaco" and "tea".  I hope this hits the spot!  Thank you

ejab62 for taking a look over this.  All errors that remain are mine.  
Disclaimer:  These characters are not mine and I make no money from these breathtaking men.


Being the Potions Master's apprentice was demanding, but Draco had anticipated that.  After all, working for Severus Snape, his former Head of House had been a long-term dream.  He would do everything in his power to maintain such an honour.

Long hours of ingredient preparation, instrument inspections, and endless research had brought the blonde apprentice a level of fatigue that he had never known existed.  He was amazed that the human body could perform under such a sleep-deprived condition; however, the exhilaration of studying under Snape was worth it.  It was in the wee hours of the night that both men occasionally succumbed to their innermost desires. To feel the Prince's lips or his exploring hands under his robe was worth every hour of lost sleep.

To hear the sardonic man's request for a striptease was intriguing.  Draco had used extra care when selecting his clothing, choosing the music, and creating just the right atmosphere in the lab.  Draco reveled in his opportunity to offer himself in such an intimate way.

When Snape entered the lab, Draco merely waved his wand and Snape was seated center stage for the sensual performance.  The music and the movements of the blonde's body paired together to arouse and seduce the Potions master.  The silkiness of the boy's discarded garments and the mesmerizing movements of Draco's body was almost too much for the mentor to take.

As the song ended, Draco was poised naked on the lap speechless Severus Snape.

Fully aroused, yet taking a moment to collect himself, Snape replied, "As much as I enjoyed the show Draco, I must point out that you misunderstood my request. I said that I'd like a sip of tea, not striptease.  But after careful consideration, the tea can wait."

snape, draco

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