Prompt #188: Surreptitious Title: Gossiping Students

Jan 11, 2011 00:16

Title:Gossiping Students
Author: hpfangirl71  
Team: Death Eaters
Rating: PG 13 Implied sexual encounters
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Challenge:Written for the dracoharry100  prompt #188: surreptitious
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Beta: No Beta, All mistakes are my own.
A/N:  Gossip abounds when two professors begin spending some stealthy time together. Also Ive been sick the past few days but starting to feel a little better now... this is the first Ive written since being sick so if its lame be gentle... :D

Gossiping Students by HPFangirl71
Professor Potter walked into the great hall amidst a barrage of surreptitious murmurings and illicit giggles. He was quite aware of the students’ incessant gossiping about himself and Professor Malfoy. He chuckled to himself as he took his seat with the rest of the Hogwarts staff.

Yes, Harry had heard rumors about long lunches behind closed doors, late night Quidditch practices, and a supposed Malfoy Potter love affair. Harry did nothing to quell the gossip amongst the students. He didn’t find it necessary, not when Malfoy’s hand was surreptitiously sliding up his thigh beneath the cover of the head table…

hpfangirl71, surreptitious

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