Challenge #188

Jan 09, 2011 23:52

Happy Sunday night all. Oops! Still haven't done the Christmas wrap-up. *puts on this week's to-do list*

Last week we played catch-up, using old prompts, and had quite the outpouring of fic. Unfortunately, I didn't include a reminder that we were back to our usual 100-word limit, and some posts did not meet that criteria. In fairness, since I only added the reminder after-the-fact, I figured I'd assign one point for every 100 words (still maxing out at 5 points) even if the fic wasn't made up of 100-word segments (e.g. 270 words counted as 2 points).

As luck would have it, this resulted in a tie, so the score remains as follows:    Death Eaters: 94, Aurors: 83

Challenge #188: Surreptitious

REMINDER THAT WE ARE BACK TO 100-WORD DRABBLES. You may earn one point for each drabble, up to five connected or separate drabbles each week, but each needs to be 100 words exactly. See profile page for more details.

Happy writing all!

~ Sesheta

challenge, mod post, surreptitious

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