Harry/Draco drabble

Aug 27, 2009 00:22

Title:Gorgeous White Roses
Word Count:100
Warnings:Harry is worried about his husband Draco. Some angst with happy ending.
Disclaimer:I don't own them at all
betaed by no one so point out any mistakes.

Harry walked through the large manor,alone and restless. He stopped in the library and went over to the huge white rose's. He reached out his hand to caress one of the soft,velvet petals between his finger and thumb. He sighed to himself...These gorgeous,pale,roses were very much like his husband so elegant and beautiful....Damn this mansion feels to empty without Draco.

Harry felt the tears burn behind his eyes and run down his cheeks. When am I going to hear anything?

Hermoine suddenly apparated inside the room"Come quickly Draco's awake and asking for you.

lijahlover, empty

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