Title: Angels
Pairing: Um, isn’t that kind of obvious? H/D, idiots. Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Plot-What-Plot?
Prompt: dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 08: Angels
Word count: 100
A/N: Two out of thirty-one. I really wanted to write a PlotWhatPlot angst drabble, so now you all have to suffer. Mwa ha ha ha. *evil laugh*
”Do you believe in angels?”
Draco raised a brow and turned his head to look at his husband, lying there on the grass next to him, eyeing the dark, star-covered sky above.
“You mean those winged humans that Muggles have in fairy tales and that one religion?”
Harry closed his eyes, seemingly lost in thought. “I mean, do you believe that the people we loved who have moved on are watching over us from somewhere?” He turned his head away, but Draco had seen the tear that escaped from his eye.
Draco kissed Harry’s cheek softly and held him close.