Title: Hunting Grounds
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Draco Malfoy, Fenrir Greyback, Harry Potter
Rating: R
Warning(s): Dark!fic
Word count: 695
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written for the following prompts:
- Halloween Challenge 2008 at
dracoharry100 using the prompt of Halloween theme
hp_creatures Halloween Fest, using the prompt of Draco is not used to being part of the action. He was wandering the Forbidden Forest on All Hallow's Eve, given by
Summary: Draco has wandered too far from safety.
Draco had no business wandering alone through the Forbidden Forest on All Hallow's Eve. He hadn't meant to walk so far. He had simply wanted to escape the dancing and revelry going on at Hogwarts as they celebrated the first Halloween without the specter of the Dark Lord hanging over their heads. As a returning Seventh Year, or Eighth Year as some referred to them, Draco didn't have the same curfew or restrictions as the other students, thus he was able to wander about the castle grounds late at night.
Lost in thought, Draco had traipsed farther away from the edge of the Forest than was safe, and now he wasn't sure of the direction he needed to go in order to return to the castle. Worse still, he had the disturbing sensation that someone, or something, was following him. Each time Draco paused to listen, however, he heard nothing--no footsteps, no noises typical of an animal--nothing. He couldn't shake the feeling that things were too quiet, as if the Forest itself was waiting for some life or death drama to unfold.
Draco drew his wand and gripped it nervously in his hand. He began weighing the potential embarrassment of sending a shower of red sparks skyward versus trying to find his own way out of the Forest. A twig snapped somewhere behind him, and Draco whirled, wand first, to confront whatever had been stalking him. After a tense moment, an ordinary-looking raccoon shuffled onto the path, hesitated at seeing Draco there, then scuttled into the undergrowth on the opposite side. Draco released a pent-up breath and turned, only to stumble back with a harsh gasp at the creature now stood in front of him.
Fenrir Greyback laughed, the sound a low, menacing growl. "The Malfoy pup," he rumbled, reaching for Draco with a misshapen hand.
Draco's throat had closed, so the scream that he would have otherwise made emerged as a strangled gurgle. He cringed away from Greyback, trying desperately to point his wand with a hand that was shaking from sheer terror. Greyback knocked the wand from Draco's hand with a vicious swipe of his paw.
"I can't decide if I should just eat you...or fuck you first," mused Greyback.
Draco whimpered in mindless terror.
"Perhaps I'll do both," growled the werewolf, reaching for Draco.
"Greyback." A new voice intruded on the scene. Quiet and calm, it was no less menacing than Greyback's had been.
The werewolf turned with a snarl to confront the threat. "Potter!" he hissed, lips drawn back from his fangs.
Harry Potter had never looked more heroic to Draco as he stood there on the path, calmly confronting the werewolf.
"I warned you to stay away from Hogwarts," Potter said quietly. "I told you to hunt elsewhere, and I am certain I impressed upon you what the consequence would be, should you overstep yourself."
"I think you overstep yourself, cub!" spat Greyback.
It was the last thing he ever said. His mouth was still moving as his head hit the Forest floor, severed cleanly with the Sword of Gryffindor that Potter had wielded in one of the most ruthless executions Draco had ever had the misfortune to witness. As Greyback's lifeless body nearly toppled onto him, Draco cried out in revulsion and scrambled to his feet, skittering a few quick steps away. Turning shocked eyes on Potter, Draco was just in time to see his savior sling the Sword into its sheath on his back once more. "H-he was..." Draco stammered. "You s-saved me. Th-thanks. Thank you."
Potter's eyes were strangely flat as he regarded Draco. "I warned him," he repeated softly. "I warned him what would happen if I caught him poaching on my hunting grounds." He paced closer, body shifting, changing, becoming the same manner of beast he had just slain. "I wonder," he mused, voice gruff. "Should I fuck you first or simply eat you?"
And Draco Malfoy screamed.