Title: Overheard at Madam Malkin's
potteresque_Ire Team: Auror
Word Count: 100 X 8
Rating: G
Challenge: Tape Measure
Author’s Notes: Or, In Which Someone Cannot Write Dialogue. I really struggled with this one, and I have very little sense of whether it works *heads desk*. Comments and critiques are very welcomed!
Oh, es tut mir leid! Of course I can move over. Here you go. I wouldn’t want to stand while waiting for Madam Malkin either.
Let’s put your cane over here, shall we? That leaves more space for you to sit.
Glad to hear that you’re feeling more comfortable.
Am I here to get a robe fitted? No, I’m just waiting for -
Yes, your bifocals are working just fine. That’s indeed Mr Harry Potter right there!
He seems to be scared of that tape measure, you say? Oh, I definitely agree with that one.
He looks downright uncomfortable, doesn’t he?
You’re correct about that too. The man by his side is Draco Malfoy.
Right, but that was in the past.
Um .... I don’t really want to talk about that or the Dark Mark.
Like I said, it happened ages ago.
I don’t mean it doesn’t matter, I just think everyone deserves a second chance.
Does he always look this unpleasant? No, at least, never to me. He’s just scowling at the tape measure.
Why? I can’t say for sure. He’s always suspicious of it, so I guess he wants to impress upon its magic the virtues of unbiased measurements.
Sure you didn’t come from afar in vain! Madam Malkins does tailor the best robes.
He doesn’t own an infallible tape measure, he just knows.
They’ve been an item for two decades; of course he knows.
Oh! Are you all right? You didn’t burn yourself, I hope. Here ... why don’t I hold your teacup while you spell your robe dry?
My apologies, I’ve forgotten how most people doesn’t take the news well.
You thought it was a rumour? Same for almost everyone here. They’ve seen them together everyday and they still refuse to believe it.
You understand why, I think.
I don't care. They’re perfect together.
I’m not dating. I’m not seeing them through rose-tinted glasses.
Nobody’s ever lined up to see me… um, can we switch topics? I -
Please don’t apologize. It’s okay.
Your husband never knows your size? Really?
I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. It’s just that my father have always said this … that I can measure how much someone is willing to sacrifice for me if I hold my arms tight to his waist, and my heart confesses just how much I need him.
A tape measure for love? That’s a nifty way to put it.
Oh, my father is a hopeless romantic, no doubt about that. Sometimes he’s utterly embarrassing.
He so can be! Like that time, when we’re at the optometrist’s. He thought the medi - doctor would use an ultrasoft tape measure for something delicate like the eyes. He was completely shocked when he saw those metal arms hovering above the patient’s seat.
No, nobody got his … parts hexed off, thank Merlin, but it was a close call. He hollered that no one was to ever touch the only pair of eyes in the world that could see him for who he truly was.
My dad, you mean? No, he didn’t melt into a pile of goo. He would rather melt into the wall and disappear, I think.
Yeah, we managed not to make too much of a scene. My dad, kind of, um … Obliviated the Muggles.
Of course he didn’t show his wand; that’s illegal, isn’t it?
But that’s certainly possible.
I swear it’s true!
It’s not dangerous, really. I mean, my dad can break things without pointing his wand at them, but he’s demolished the entire study without magic before.
Don't worry - nothing's permanently damaged! My father’s rather good at fixing furniture.
What if someone like Draco Malfoy knows wandless magic?
Dunno … duck faster when my parents fight?
Blimey, I haven’t told you, have I? That’s why I’m lounging here. I’ve been waiting for them.
An hour.
I suppose I could have gone elsewhere, but my father may actually ask for my opinion. He says I’ve inherited his sense of style.
Right, there’s also that! He may really end up hexing Madam Malkin for her tape measure - so I’m looking out for her, just in case. My dad will appreciate it.
Perhaps I’ve gotten a little of that saving people thing too.
There’s nothing special about who I am. I have a cozy home and parents who love me.
Oh, are they finally done?
Wicked awesome. Now I can persuade them to get me the new racing broom.
Don’t look so surprised! Consider it my duty to uphold the Malfoy tradition.
Of being spoilt rotten, of course -
No, my father knows the tricks too well; it's my dad who succumbs to my nagging.
Thank you so much for putting up with me. I'm far too talkative.
Um, your grandson’s outside and he'll enjoy my conversations?
I, er, really, really have to go …