Title: Stalking elusive prey, #3
twistedmTeam: death eaters
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco
Challenge: Stalking
continued from:
http://community.livejournal.com/dracoharry100/233069.html Potter was burning another cavity into the wall as he looked just left of Draco's ear.
“Can I buy you a pint?”
Draco exhaled and leaned over his desk: arms straight, hands splayed. “Why are you in here, Potter? Didn’t we just spend an entire miserable week together?”
Shock slammed Harry’s face. “Miserable?”
Draco closed his eyes, scrubbed through his hair.
“That was too harsh I suppose, but… Harry, I’m done with this damn stalking case and I want to go.”
His tone changed to compassion, or possibly pity. “And Harry? I don’t… it’s only… shite.
“I’m not gay, Harry.”