Title: Apology (Epilogue)
lire_casanderTeam: Aurors
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #56 - Betrayal for
dracoharry100Warning: Angst.
Disclaimer: I do not own in any form or shape these characters, JK Rowling does. Just playing with them for my own amusement and yours.
Author's Notes: Unbeta'ed. Please point out the mistakes you may find.
"There has to be a reason why you betrayed me, Hermione."
"I didn't---"
"Oh, yes, you did. You convinced Draco that he wasn't enough for me. That's betrayal."
"He restrained you to the point of not wanting to be promoted!"
"In which fantasy world have you been living? I didn't want a more dangerous job because I love him! I don't want him to worry!"
"You told him to leave me alone, Hermione. Unless you apologise, I don't have anything else to say."
"I'm not sorry."
"Then we're over."
He Apparated right back into his lover's arms.
<< Truth Fin