Title: He Whimpers
accioscarTeam: Aurors
Rating: G
Warning(s): Angst? Flangst?
Word count: 100
Challenge: drag
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters - JKR does. Only the plot is mine. I’m not making any money from this and no offence is intended.
Author notes: Unbeta'd, please point out any errors. Comments=love. *g*
This is part 11/?. Need to play catch up?
Part 1: He Waits.
Part 2: He Wakes.
Part 3: He Walks Part 4: He Worries.
Part 5: He Weeps.
Part 6: He Whispers.
Part 7: He Watches.
Part 8: He Wins.
Part 9: He Wishes.
Part 10: He WelcomesThis entire series is dedicated
gurliemoviegeek because she bullied coerced persuaded me to write more. *g*
Rhythmic beats strike his flesh. The steady pounding of a drum drags him into concieousness. His palm pressed against a warm chest. Two hearts; one beat - together. The fog of sleep lifts and his vision swirls with confusion. Pale eyelashes flutter. A soft sigh escapes rosebud lips.
Trembling hands on ashen skin.
“D- Draco?”
Tumbling tears, stored in a dam of misery, released with a rush fearful joy.
“Harry? W-what? Am I…”
Tiny whimpers from a shattered soul.
“You’re still alive. Oh god, you’re still alive.”
“The potion didn’t work?”
Urgent kisses and desperate clinging.
“Severus made a mistake?”
Part 12: He Wonders