
Feb 10, 2019 17:01

Title: Preparation
Author: alisanne
Rating: PG
Word count: 100 x 2
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy.
Challenge: Written for DracoHarry100's prompt 559: Shame.
This is part 138 of my H/D Auror Series ( LJ/IJ/DW).
It starts at part one: The Beginning ( LJ/IJ/DW).
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Beta(s): None, poke me if you spot anything wonky.
Authors Notes: Harry starts to worry.




Still smirking, Draco climbed out of bed, walking towards his closet. Opening the door, he leaned in, looking around.

Harry watched his arse flex, his irritation dissipating. “What was that all about?” he asked once Draco was done.

“I couldn’t remember if my Auror robes were clean,” said Draco, slipping back into bed.

“That’s what got your knickers in a twist?” Harry snorted. “It’s a shame I had to fall for such a clothes horse.”

“And it’s a shame you don’t seem to care about your appearance at all,” retorted Draco. “Now, get some rest. We’ll need it for tomorrow.”


Sobered by that thought, Harry sighed. “You’re right, we probably will.” He hesitated. “Where do you think we’ll be assigned?”

“No idea.” Draco curled closer, tucking his face into Harry’s neck. “It’d be a shame if Robards wasted us on desk duty, though.”

“He wouldn’t.” Harry groaned. “Would he?”

“As I said, I’ve no idea,” said Draco, tone sharp. “Nor do you, so instead of worrying, let’s rest up so we’re prepared for whatever he decides.”

“Easier said than done,” muttered Harry.

Draco huffed. “Am I going to have to fuck you to sleep?”

Harry grinned. “I wouldn’t say no.”


shame, alisanne

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