Title: Merry Christmas, Baby Follows
The King of Sinful SotsAuthor:
enchanted_jaeCharacter(s): Harry/Draco, Narcissa
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1225
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Jae's Advent Drabbles #23 - mixed-up gift for
AdventDrabbles #23 - Wrapped presents
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2016 #23 - Gift gone horribly wrong
slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry Early Bird #23:
Summary: Harry and Draco brave Narcissa's ire.
Merry Christmas, Baby