So, are you guys up for the November Challenge?
Like last time, we have three prompts for you - the phrase, the picture and the song lyric. You may write one fic for each prompt (so a maximum of three), or use a combination of two or three prompts in your fic. If you use the phrase and the picture in your fic (for example) this counts as two of your entries, okay?
There’s no word limit for this, so feel free to submit fics over 10,000 words, less than 100 words, or anywhere in between.
You may post your fics throughout November, with the deadline being on the last day of this month. Your mods will then put up an anonymous poll and, after a week of voting, the winner and runner-up will be announced and give their pretty prizes. *is excited*
(Oh, and mod entries don’t count towards the poll, of course. :*)
Prompt One: The Phrase!
'I believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of ignorance.' ~ Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
Prompt Two - The Song Lyrics!
It's harder to be friends than lovers
And you shouldn't try to mix the two
Cause if you do it and you're still unhappy
Then you know that the problem is you
~ from Liz Phair's 'Divorce Song'
Prompt Three - The Picture!
Just one final thing - please don’t forget to tag your entry(s) with your author’s nametag, and with ‘November 07 prompt x’, depending on which prompt(s) you’ve used.
Hope that’s clear to everyone, and have fun writing! :D