Title: Debt of Gratitude.
HapendfroPairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy , with a side of Ron
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Challenge: 39 - Amazement And also for the HD100 prompt of blink for this week
Team: Aurors
Warnings: none I can think of .
Disclaimer: I do not own in any form or shape these characters, JK Rowling does. Just having a bit of entertainment from the boys.
Author's Notes: Betaed by my sweets Softly-sweetly, who is as her name implies sweet and wonderful. Simple the best.
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Debt of Gratitude
Ron blinked in amazement. He could see Draco’s mouth moving. He could hear sounds, but none of it was making any sense.
“What did you just say ferret face? Because I’m sure I didn’t hear correctly.”
“I want to thank you for always being there for Harry. Being his friend, caring for him, believing in him with others didn’t. If not for you and Granger, Harry would probably no longer be alive. At the very least he’d be as loony as Trelawney. I owe you a lifelong debt of gratitude for keeping him alive and healthy for me to love.”
amazement, hapendfro