Remix for DGG: Guys, you just have to read this...

Mar 29, 2014 23:26

hd_remix just hit a whole new level of awesome in my books and it's all thanks to the brilliant mystery author who remixed one of my crackier works: The Cruise

EDIT: The author of this awesome work is the brilliant lomonaaeren.

What she's done here is capture Anthony's perspective of what unfolds during that fateful cruise. Now, when I first wrote the original, I was fairly confident that Anthony could just not get more irritating. I now humbly submit that I have been thoroughly trounced in the Agonizing Character Conception department. The voice she's captured is so painstakingly brilliant and ties in so perfectly with the Anthony of the original, you have to read it to believe it. He's deliciously deluded and hilariously petty and somehow, in spite of all that he's the one who makes whole fic come together.

If you cracked a smile at my original narration of Harry and Draco finding each other, you will absolutely enjoy the saga of poor dramatic Anthony, his endless suffering and how fate is always, always out to get him.

And I get points for writing that last bit with a straight face.

I seriously recommend this work to anyone who wants a good laugh. It really made my day.

Author: Anonymous
Title: Cruising the Course of Fate
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Harry/Anthony Goldstein, Anthony Goldstein/money
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Content: (Highlight to view) *Angst, crack, emotional infidelity*
Summary: Remix of The Cruise by dracogotgame. Anthony Goldstein knows that he is destined to be Harry Potter’s boyfriend because it is fated. And Draco Malfoy had just better not get in the way of fate.
Word Count: 9200
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story-those belong to J. K. Rowling-and the cruise ship, story situation, and dialogue belong to dracogotgame.
Author's notes: This was really fun to write. I hope you enjoy this, dracogotgame!

Cruising the Course of Fate

gift, rec, the cruise

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