HD_FamilyFest Fic: Three Boxes and a Scrapbook

Mar 24, 2014 17:22

With the lovely hd_familyfest officially done with, this is me claiming my fic! This was a ton of fun to write and I am so thankful to everyone for all the love it received. It left me a bit stunned, actually. I must also put in a big, big thank you to drarryisgreen, birdsofshore and capitu for reccing it. It just left me speechless. Thank you so very much.

Title: Three Boxes and a Scrapbook
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Blaise/Ginny, Bill/Pansy
Summary: One year after being accidentally bonded to each other, Harry and Draco are free to move on with their lives. But perhaps, what they needed was here all along.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Heavy dosage of flangst, mentions of divorce
Epilogue compliant? Not even a little bit.
Word Count: 30,500
Author’s Notes: A world of thanks to digthewriter and eidheann_writes who saw this fic through. It would absolutely not have happened if not for their unfailing support, kindness and brilliant beta superpowers. slashedsilver, I hope you enjoy this. Thank you for a lovely prompt. Thanks also go out to the mods for being so supportive and kind through the fest.
Three Boxes and a Scrapbook

** Crossposted at hd_familyfest **

slash, smut, pansy, angst, ginny, bill, mature, long fic, fest, harry, teddy, ron, narcissa, bonding fic, humour, hermione, blaise, draco, romance, drarry

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