My HD Fan Fair Entry: Surviving Summer

Nov 09, 2013 11:39

The hd_fan_fair masterlist is finally out and so, here's my entry written for this lovely, lovely fest. I had a blast with this one.

from: Harry Potter from Page to Screen
Title: Surviving Summer
Author: dracogotgame
Prompt: # 74
Book Title: The Standard Book of Spells (Main book). Others that were mentioned in passing: Charm Your Own Cheese and Advanced Potion Making. However, please note that the 'Deluxe Edition' of The Standard Book of Spells mentioned in the story is something I made up and therefore doesn't count.
Additional Prompts: Portrait of Snape egging the kids on, peacock feathers
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: It wasn't going to be easy managing four teenagers over the summer hols. But it was definitely going to be worth it.
Warnings/Content Notes: Only semi- epilogue compliant as that's what the prompt called for, Astoria bashing, pre-slash, minor (fl)angst
Word Count: 15,400 (approx.)

Author's Notes: This...will take a while. First of all, a big thank you to astardanced77 for such a brilliant prompt. I love writing next gen, so this was a real treat. Kudos to you for coming up with such a super-adorable idea! Super-glomps also go out to the lovely, lovely mods for being so kind and patient with my requests for extensions and for putting up with my general panicking. Finally, this story would never have come together if it wasn't for the tireless efforts of stephaniejo84, an all-round brilliant beta and fantastic cheerleader. Thank you so much, darling. This would have fallen apart without you. Well, there's not much more to say except I hope you enjoy reading this not so little fic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Cheers, kids!

Read on Ao3

fluff, long fic, fest, narcissa, harry, humour, next gen, molly, astoria, draco, established, drarry

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