Recs for WBTH

Sep 09, 2013 12:03

Hello hello!

This is my submission for hd_writers' WBTH challenge.

Assignment 14: Recs for a number of different tropes.

Phew! It took a while but I think I got them all. And here they are!

Future Fic (Post Hogwarts):

Wingardium Leviosa by Becoming-Obsessed: A long, sweet and very fluffy tale featuring single father!Draco with a sick child and a wonderful Harry. I'm just a sucker for Harry/Scorpius father son bonding, so this is an instant favourite.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier: This fic single-handedly proves that heart wrenching, gut churning angst is in fact a beautiful thing. The pain was so palpable and yet the characters were so perfectly done, I couldn't stop. Even when I was weeping.
Starving by bleedforyou: A hint of angst, a protective Harry and a broken but proud Draco. How I love this fic.
Blind by faithwood: Of course all her work is brilliant. But this just keeps coming back to me. I love the minimalism of this story, and how much it conveys with so little.
State of Mind by Sara Holmes: A very believable and accurate portrayal of a depressed, run down Draco and concerned Harry. Angsty and perfect. Props for a lovely, supportive Ron too.

Creature Fic:

I generally don't read these unless they are exceptionally well written. Which is why you'll find several of enchanted_jae's creature works in my list.

Wrath of Vampires by enchanted_jae (WIP): Beautifully written, extremely hot and gorgeous characterizations all round. Classic Jae.
Blood Whore by enchanted_jae (WIP): Dark, seductive and beautifully crafted. Another one I can't get enough of.
The Fluffy Vampire Verse by enchanted_jae (WIP): *dies laughing* Oh come on, it's a fluffly vampire!Harry! This goes on the list just for the sheer creative gall to write an adorable vampire and do one heck of a job at it. Kudos, really.
Harry Potter and the Werewolf Consultant by 0idontknow0 (Complete): Riveting with a marvelous characterization of Draco. Also, a lovely Teddy.
Concubine by quill-lumos: Another classic which never fails to bring tears to my eyes. A lovely protective!Harry who goes out of his way to help bring the Draco he knew back. Oh, the feels!

First Time:

Ready by enchanted_jae: I love how this series just refuses to take the topic of losing one's virginity seriously. Tears of laughter every time I read it, honest.
Hitting Rock Bottom...and other Favored Positions by Lori Fanfic: Delicious, kinky smuttiness. Slave!Fic with a lovely virgin!Draco and a kind yet compelling master!Harry. Delicious BDSM element. Threesome with Snape as well, athough I tend to skip over that part.
Lupercalia by enchanted_jae: Another fantastic, hilarious piece that just won't quit. Lupercalia focuses quite intensely on Draco's feelings on being compelled to shag Potter, so I think it counts here.
Sunday by Yeaka: The only Sirius/Draco fic that will ever make it into my recs. An adorable virgin!Draco getting a from his cousin. Very well written and Sirius is just...we wants him!
An Afterschool Lesson by ShounenSouki: A nice, smutty little Bill/Draco oneshot with Bill taking our favorite blond in hand. So sexeh!

Chosen Family:

A Year Like None Other by aspeninthesunlight: An absolute classic Chosen Family story. I won't be surprised if it's on everyone's favourite list. Severus is beyond brilliant and the progress both the boys make is heartwarming.
Ice cream by remmie: This one kills me. It includes my so many of my favorites. a Father son relationship between Draco and Sirius, adoption and all round hilarity. The boys are so cute and teenger-ey and the image of Sirius smacking a sulky Draco upside the head will just never get old for me.
Redeem Me by Samayel: Does it get any better than this one? Teary, angsty and heart wrenching at time, but so well crafted, so perfectly written. I go back to this one again and again and I am so thankful to the author for one of my all time favorite fics. Harry has been practically adopted by the Weasleys and Draco finds his place with them as well, so IMO it's perfect for this category.
The House Which Time Forgot: A Memorable Birthday by Victorianchik: One of several oneshots featuring an AU where Harry was adopted by Severus. I love the way Severus handles a very teenage Harry and he's not opposed to taking him in hand. Harry is of course, sassy and rebellious and adorable. This one features Harry coming home drunk to a very disapproving father.
The House Which Time Forgot: Wanting Him Back by Victorianchik: The same theme as above, but with a deeper h/c level which I loved. Harry is depressed about Cedric's death and Snape, his adoptive father will do whatever it takes to bring his snarky, annoying teenager back. Very sweet and funny.


One Harry Potter, Please by faithwood: The hilarity! The sheer, unbridled brilliance of this fic is astounding. I find myself feeling constantly sorry for and amused by Draco.
Single Wizard Seeking Same by jennavere: Oh, but this is brilliant. Of course it would be on my list! Harry is so adorably oblivious and so territorial. The smut at the end just leaves me wanting moar!
Make a Map by liftedlorax: A truly amazing fic with a plot based on Homer's Odyssey. A beautiful Draco- one of the best I've ever seen, really. Pining!Harry just gets me every time.
Sir by calrissan18: A delicious one-shot from Harry's POV. I love his obsession with his gorgeous assistant. Who can blame him though? Oh god, Draco is amazing here!
Love is a Many Tentacled Beast by kalime80: Oh, this is gold. Draco, Harry and the Giant Squid caught in a hilarious 'love' triangle with poor Draco nearly getting molested. And some point, you just want to smack Harry and sit him down with a book on dating etiquette. Oh, but it's hilarious. Holding my sides every time I read it.

hd-writer's house challenge

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