That's My Girl

Aug 13, 2013 22:14

Title: That's My Girl
Team: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Ratings: PG 13
Summary: Lily has some news for her Daddy.
Author's notes: Written for dracoharry100's prompt 311: Honeydukes. Harry/Draco implied.
Disclaimer: Faffing about. Do not own Harry Potter.

“Hi, Daddy!”

Draco smiled. He would know that cheery chirrup anywhere. Sure enough Lily bounced in, a semi solid Honeydukes candy bar in her hand.

“How was school?” Draco asked, summoning a napkin and wiping her face.

Lily’s face scrunched up in a frown. “Okay, I guess. Billy Whistlethorp said he’d give me his stickers if I kissed him.”

Draco stiffened. He had been dreading this day for four years and now it was here.

“Oh?” he replied, striving for calm. “And…what did you do, honey?”

“I punched him.”

Draco smirked and gathered up his clever daughter.

“That’s my girl.”

drabble, fluff, dracoharry100, protective, humour, next gen, draco, established, drarry

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