Chasing Draco- Part 1

Apr 09, 2013 10:05

I'm back! And may I say, its a relief!

So I've been incognito for a while- mainly because of a giant fanfic project that left me with no time for ficlets or drabbles.

I am talking of course about bottom_draco's lovely Adaptations Fest that has come and gone and brought us all sorts of new bottom!Draco deliciousness. The big reveals were posted today and I am just dying to finally claim my entry. My longest fic till date based on appleling's gorgeous prompt- Taming of the Shrew. Thanks to everyone who read and commented on it. I love you all!

Title: Chasing Draco
Prompt: PROMPT 60
Adapted from: Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew
Pairing: Harry/Draco, also featuring Blaise/Ginny, mild Lucius/Andromeda
Word Count/Art Medium: 45, 308
Rating: R
Contains (Highlight to view) : *Nothing major I can think of. Fluff avalanche? Slight angst, perhaps. Slash suggestions *
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Draco Malfoy is every suitor's nightmare. His brazen temper and absolute disregard for the personal safety of others has his father in despair. Enter Harry Potter.

Part 1

bottom!draco, fluff, flangst, pre slash, bottom draco, ginny, oliver, fest, harry, ron, humour, lucius, hermione, andromeda, blaise, draco, romance, top!harry, drarry

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