Mr. Potter's Penguin #4

Dec 05, 2012 17:02

Title: Mr. Potter's Penguin #4
Rating: NC 17
Word Count: 2,000
Summary: A Christmas dinner at the Weasley's goes awry and Draco gets another present.
Author's notes: I've spawned a monster with this fic. *shakes head* Anywho, this was written for:
awdt's prompt 5: If I hear deck the halls one more time, I’m gonna deck someone.
dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge prompts: family time, accidentally opening a private gift in front of everyone, that holiday song you hate but everyone else loves, christmas tree catches on fire, familiars upset the tree, that *must have* gadget, malfunctioning mistletoe (probably). 
slythindor100's Early Bird Christmas Challenge prompts: Christmas crackers, mistletoe.

“If I hear deck the halls one more time, I’m gonna deck someone.”

Harry grinned at his sulking boyfriend and tucked a strand of blond hair behind his ear. “Well, it is a Christmas dinner, you know,” he pointed out. “But if you want to hear a particularly spirited version of ‘I Want a Hippogriff for Christmas’ I’m sure Fred and George will be more than happy to…”

“I will smite you where you stand,” Draco gritted out, making Harry laugh and place an arm around his shoulders. “I’d ask why you’re being such a Scrooge, but I think I have an idea,” he quipped, leaning over and nipping at Draco’s earlobe.

“Shut it,” the blond muttered, arching away from him as discreetly as he could. Harry grinned and held on, amused by Draco’s unusual bout of shyness. For a kinky little bugger in the bedroom, he was dreadfully prudish in public and Harry enjoyed making the best of his embarrassment.

“Stop it!” Draco hissed, as his boyfriend’s hand ghosted over his chest. His boyfriend merely responded by gently flicking a nipple, eliciting a tell tale tinkle. “Harry!” Draco snapped, flushing furiously now.

“I wonder what they’d say if they knew what you’re wearing under that turtleneck,” Harry mused huskily. Dravo shivered as his voice dropped an octave lower. “Tell me, how many ‘presents’ do you have on you right now?”

“S-six, I think,” Draco mumbled, biting his lip and looking everywhere but at Harry. The Gryffindor smirked. He had placed the cock ring and nipple clamps on Draco himself, after yet another rousing shag. Adding to the blond’s finery was a gorgeous ruby choker around his neck, cherry flavored lip gloss that had admittedly taken too long to put on considering that Harry kept kissing it off, a festive green ribbon tied around his bollocks and the finishing touch- red, lacy knickers that hugged Draco’s delicious arse in a most delectable fashion. All this depravity under a simple white turtleneck and black trousers, and they still had tonight’s present to go. Harry was slowly going mad with want, and Draco wasn’t faring all that well himself.

“Let’s go home,” he groaned. “I’m going spare like this!”

Harry shook his head. “We can’t just leave. Molly would murder us.”

“If I don’t get my present soon, I’m going to murder you!” Draco hissed. “Give it to me, Potter!”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “Well, someone’s demanding tonight.” He laughed and raised his hands in surrender as Draco treated him to a vicious death glare. “Okay okay, calm down. I already snuck your present in. You’ll get it…eventually.”

“But I want it now!” Draco pouted. “Come on Harry, let me have it.”

“Okay, I don’t know what he’s talking about,” Ron said, coming over to them with Hugo bouncing in his arms. “But there is going to be no ‘letting him have it’ anywhere near my kid, ok Harry?”

“Sod off, Weasley,” Draco grumbled as Harry laughed. Hugo gurgled happily at the sight of them, his eyes going large at the sight of Draco’s perfect hair. “Ack!” he exclaimed excitedly, his chubby hands grappling excitedly for the blond as he strained in his father’s arms.

“Of course,” Draco smirked. “Go on then. Hand him over, Weasley.”

Ron surrendered his excited toddler reluctantly. “It’s just wrong how much he likes you,” he grumbled as Draco took the child carefully, grimacing only slightly as Hugo fisted his hair. “On the bright side,” Ron added cheerfully. “You’ll probably be bald by next Christmas.”

Draco opened his mouth to make a scathing remark. Unfortunately Hugo chose that second to tug at his sweater. The ominous sound of tinkling bells made Draco pale, Harry sputter on his mulled wine and Ron frown.

“What was that?” he asked, looking around.

“What was what?” Harry asked innocently.

“I…didn’t you hear it? The jingling?”

“Jingling?” Harry repeated, looking adequately confused.

“Too much egg nog, Weasley?” Draco drawled. “You know Granger won’t like that. Isn’t that her over there?”

Ron paled and mumbled something about holiday season; then retrieved his son and scuttled off. Harry and Draco exchanged a look before descending into peals of laughter. They were still snickering when Molly bustled in and herded them off for dinner.


Dinner was a crowded, noisy affair and Draco found himself wedged between the dragon handler and the one with the earring. They were a boisterous lot and Draco was thumped on the back more often than he’d prefer. But even he had to admit they were a warm bunch, if a tad uncouth.

Hey, at least he wasn’t caught between the twins like Harry. He caught a glance of one slipping a suspicious purple potion in Harry’s drink and rolled his eyes, vanishing it at once. “Oops,” he drawled as Fred slash George gave him the two fingered salute.

“That one,” the ginger declared, pointing accusingly at Draco.

“Is no fun,” finished his twin.

“Oh, my broken heart,” Draco retorted dryly.  He was somewhat surprised when most of the table laughed instead of turning on him, but it was Harry’s grateful smile that sent tingling warmth to his chest.

“You know what they say about dragons,” Charlie chortled. “They’re protective of their own.” He clapped Draco’s back again, promptly setting off the bells.

“Okay seriously,” Ron broke out, looking around wildly. “Does no one else hear the bells?! I swear I can hear bells!”

“I didn’t hear anything,” Harry pointed out helpfully.

“Oh, shut it about the bloody bells, Ron,” Ginny snipped, reaching over him. “Someone pass the gravy.”

“Ginny! Be polite!” Molly admonished. “Draco dear, more turkey?”


Dinner progressed fairly well, the conversation shifting from Fleur’s pregnancy to news about the joke shop to not so subtle questions about Harry and Draco ‘making it official’. Draco shrugged them off politely while Harry mumbled and tugged at his collar, but neither of them could help sending shy smiles over to each other. Harry’s emerald eyes sparkled with emotion as he stole painfully obvious glances at Draco.

That is, until Bill cleared his throat and informed Harry that he’d been playing footsie with him for the past twenty minutes. That sent Harry squawking and flailing and everyone else in fits of laughter, so the subject was shelved for the time being.

“Crackers!” Ginny announced, practically bouncing in with a sack full. She skipped nimbly over Hugo who was busy clambering on a bored looking Crookshanks and started handing them out. Harry reached out and grabbed a red and green cracker with a grin. “This one’s mine,” he explained, shooting Draco a discreet wink. The blond’s eyes widened in understanding as Harry nodded. His present was in the cracker!

In hindsight, he probably should have waited until later- considering the… nature of the gifts Harry was prone to give him. Harry probably had the same idea because his eyes went wide and he shook his head frantically as Draco reached out. Unfortunately, the terms ‘gifts’ and ‘wait till later’ didn’t exactly go together in Draco’s world and without realizing what he was doing, he reached out…

…and pulled the cracker.

Harry looked aghast and Draco paled as he realized what had rolled out of the package and on to the floor. Harry scrambled to pick it up and Draco wrapped it up quickly in the paper, but it was no use. They were clearly the center of attention.

“What was in it?” Fred demanded, trying to crane over to get a look behind Harry.

“Uh…nothing?” Harry mumbled, shifting the package behind his back at once.

“He’s hiding it!” Ginny shrilled accusingly. “Come on, let me take a look.”

“No!” Draco snapped, blocking her from lunging from it. Harry backed into a corner looking absolutely horrified, as Fred, George and Charlie advanced on him.

Things were looking bad and Draco was mentally resigning himself to months…no, years of brutal teasing when a true hero emerged.

Hugo- true as ever to his Gryffindor heritage and his mother’s curious intellect- had spotted a shiny looking cracker that had strayed from the sack. “Ga!” he exclaimed delightedly, grappling with it. One sharp tug resulted in a loud bang which an unsuspecting Crookshanks did not appreciate at all.

The kneazle yowled and leapt, making a break for safety under the rather rickety Christmas tree. There was a crash and an ominous crack and Draco, Harry and a roomful of wide eyed Weasleys gaped in horror as the tree lurched forward.

“Take cover!” Bill bellowed, grabbing Hugo and backing away. The tree crashed into the fireplace, flaring and crackling in the pandemonium. Hermione shrieked and shepherded her son to safety as Crookshanks did his impression of a particularly pissed off Mandrake and assorted Weasleys hurtled about, bellowing Aguamenti spells at the crackling tree. The room filled with smoke and Harry and Draco gaped at each other in helpless confusion as chaos descended. Until…


The entire room stilled to stare at Ron. The only sound was the crackles and smolders from the somewhat salvaged tree and the heavy breathing of most of the family.

“Now listen carefully. Just listen for a minute and tell me,” the redhead commanded, his voice echoing in the silence as the entire room turned to him, rapt with attention. “Can you lot seriously not hear the bells? Because, I swear to Merlin I…”

“Shut up about the bloody bells!” bellowed several assorted Weasleys, resuming their chaotic crisis management. Charlie shoved past Draco to retrieve the tree and Harry yanked him out of the way and into a corner.

“Madness,” Draco blurted, shaking his head in disbelief. “This is absolute madness!”

Harry shook his head. “This is Christmas with the family.”


“Well that was…interesting,” Draco commented as they flooed back to the safety of their flat. He dusted the soot off of his clothes and pulled a bit of cracker paper out of Harry’s hair. They shared tired grins before flopping down on the sofa.

“I never thought I’d say this but- thank Merlin, the Christmas tree caught fire,” Harry chuckled, pulling out the package he’d stuffed in his pocket. “Would’ve been a bitch explaining this to Molly.”

“I didn’t even get a good look at it,” Draco pointed out, his eyes darkening as they roved the package. Harry grinned. “Why don’t I unwrap this while you unwrap…well, you.”

Draco smirked and tugged the turtleneck off, hissing slightly as a bell caught the fabric. He divested himself carefully and slowly, grinning at Harry’s hungry expression as his pale sculpted chest was revealed, bells and all. The sparkling red choker wrapped around his neck made Harry hiss in appreciation and Draco smirked as he fingered his trouser button with an impish grin.

“All of it,” Harry barked. Draco smirked and removed his trousers and pants, revealing the rest of his deviance. The frilly red knickers hugged his slim hips and pelvis, tenting up deliciously in the front. Harry growled and snapped his fingers, indicating that Draco should turn. The blond obeyed with a soft moan, letting Harry get a good view of his pale, round buttocks peeping out from the red lace.

“Merlin,” Harry managed, approaching him slowly. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband, pulling the flimsy garment off of Draco ever slowly. The blond’s arse bounced as he released it from the lace. From where he was standing, he had the slightest peek of the green silk ribbon tied  around Draco’s balls. Harry couldn’t help a moan of appreciation. “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispered.

“Present,” Draco moaned, thrusting against him urgently. Harry chuckled and tore the wrapping off the gift, handing it over to Draco. “Like it?”

Draco turned the plug over and over in his hands, not really trusting himself to speak. It was made of silver and felt heavy in his hand. Not unimaginably wide though- the base was only slightly thicker than his finger. It had clearly been designed for...long term wear. A single sprig of mistletoe finished off the obscene display, fastened to the handle of the plug in a burst of holiday green and red.

They stood in complete silence save for their heavy breathing until Draco felt compelled to say something. “You’re absolutely depraved,” he muttered, handing Harry the plug and bending over the sofa. “Don’t forget the stretching charm.”

Harry let out a breathy laugh and waved his wand haphazardly, gritting his teeth as Draco’s bum wiggled under the effects of the charm. He barely suppressed the urge to stick his cock in his beautiful boyfriend instead, and resigned himself to slicking the plug. Surreptitiously, he added a few neutralizing charms to the mistletoe to avoid rashes and skin irritation. No way was he screwing this up.

“Harry…” Draco was already wiggling impatiently and Harry smirked as he aligned the plug to Draco’s prepared entrance and slipped it in one smooth twist. Draco hissed and threw his head back, and Harry couldn’t resist the invitation. He latched on immediately to that exquisitely exposed neck, placing gentle bites along Draco’s collar bones and shoulder. The blond arched against him and Harry risked a glance down, moaning out loud at the sight.

“Good?” Draco panted, a smirk ghosting across his lips.

“Brilliant,” Harry muttered in reply. And it was. The green sprig peeping out from between Draco’s pale arse cheeks had his nerves on fire. Harry kneaded them roughly, eliciting a groan from his boyfriend. Draco whimpered and thrust back against him and Harry swatted his arse lightly.

“Be still,” he husked. “I want to kiss you under the mistletoe.”

Follow up: Mr. Potter's Penguin #5

penguin verse, charlie, fluff, dracoharry100, christmas, dom!harry, sub!draco, fred, ginny, cross dressing, bill, toys, mature, harry, ron, humour, hermione, molly, awdt, draco, slythindor100, george, drarry

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