The Spare Room

Sep 24, 2012 21:30

Title: The Spare Room
Rating: R
Word Count:100
Warnings: Profanity, I guess 
Summary: Harry is tired of Draco's constant redecorating. Written for dracoharry100's challenge # 271: Redecorating.
Author's notes: Fluff. I has it.  
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter Universe, or the characters within. The following was written for fun, not profit.

Harry groaned at the stacks of design brochures and paint cans in his room.

“Fuck. He’s redecorating again!”

He wondered what disaster Draco had come up with now. So far, Harry had endured shag carpeting, papier-mâché lamps and leopard print wallpaper.

Well, no more! He stomped upstairs to confront Draco and put an end to this madness.

“Draco. We need to…”

His rant fell apart at the sight of his boyfriend painting the walls of their spare room a soft baby blue. A half finished cradle stood in the corner.

Draco turned to his speechless boyfriend and smiled softly.


drabble, fluff, dracoharry100, harry, mpreg, draco, established, romance

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