The Favorite

Sep 14, 2012 14:38

Title: The Favorite
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 1,000 (approx)
Summary: Draco takes Scorpius to the Healer with... amusing results. A follow up (of sorts) to Like Your Dad.
Author's notes: Its slightly random, but oh well. This was so fun to write. All credit for this plot goes to faceofboe87 (and to her little sister). Hopefully, they'll both get a laugh out of this.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter Universe or the characters. The following was written for fun, not profit.

Back when he had been a naïve young man Draco Malfoy had assumed that the most difficult situation he would ever have to deal with was a War, the imminent possibility of death and fear for his very existence. Four kids and one Harry later, he was a wiser, wearier man.

“No! I won’t get a shot! I won’t! Grandfather will hear about this!”

“I love my kids” Draco chanted desperately, attempting to drag a reluctant, squirming Scorpius into St Mungos and balancing little Lily on his hip at the same time. “I love my kids. I love my…Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Potter! Get back here this instant!”

Draco groaned as his slippery son squirmed away and hurtled down the hospital hallways like a Firebolt. In his arms, Lily cooed happily. Draco chuckled as his littlest gazed up at him with adoring, brown eyes and he pinched her chubby cheek gently.

“You are my new favorite” he announced.

“Dada!” Lily replied cheerfully, proceeding to stick her fist in her mouth.

“Come on then” Draco sighed, pulling out his wand “Let’s try accioing your brother.”


“Repeat after me" Draco gritted out, as he dragged his reluctant eight year old towards the Healer's office "I will not attempt to call Child Services on my loving, wonderful, very forgiving father.”

Scorpius struggled petulantly in his grip, dragging his feet all the way. Lily was far more buoyant; nestled in her father's arms and happily batting her brother over the head with occasional reprimands of "Bad Bob! Bad!"

"Will you please tell her that's not my name?" Scorpius complained. "She calls Albus 'Al', she calls James 'Jayjay'...why do I have to be Bob?"

Lily responded with an "ack!" and batted him again, making the boy scowl. Draco chuckled. "She's barely two, son. 'Scorpius Hyperion' might be a bit out of her league" he drawled. "Now, come on. The Healer is waiting."

The mention of the dreaded Healer elicited another alarmed squeak and escape attempt from his offspring. Draco held on tight and with a superhuman effort, he managed to shepherd them all into the office.

Healer Stein raised an eyebrow at the curious contingent. "The Malfoy Potters, I presume?" he enquired with the tone of a man who hoped the answer was "nope, not even close".

"Sadly, yes" Draco sighed, shaking hands with him. The Healer cooed briefly at Lily and smiled brightly at a sulking Scorpius. "Here for our yearly flu shot, are we?"

Clearly, this was the wrong thing to say. Scorpius screwed up his face and burst into tears, Draco groaned and Lily blinked, reaching for her brother worriedly. "B-bob?" she whimpered.

Scorpius continued to sniffle and Draco sighed, hastening to intervene. He set Lily down gently- steadying her as she wobbled- and gathered his son up, rubbing his back soothingly. "Hush" he whispered soothingly "You're all right. Everything's all right. Father's here."

"D-d-don't want a sh-shot!" Scorpius stuttered, snuffling into Draco's shirt. "It's g-gonna hurt!"

"Bob!" Lily cried, clearly distressed at the sight of her sobbing brother. "Dada, Bob sad!" She toddled over and wrapped her chubby arms around Scorpius torso, gazing up him with large, concerned eyes. The blond sniffed and patted her hair awkwardly.

"It's okay, Lily," Draco murmured as well "He'll be fine. You'll be fine" he added firmly, turning to Scorpius. "I know you can do this, son. I just need you to be brave, okay?"

Scorpius looked like he wanted to argue, but he settled for nodding weakly. Draco smiled and ruffled his hair gently, before letting go.

"Are we all set now?" the Healer asked with false cheeriness. He was already preparing the syringe. Scorpius paled even more at the sight of the sharp, glinting needle but to his credit, he allowed Draco to herd him over.

Lily pouted uneasily, watching them and chewing her fist worriedly. She didn't know why Bob was so upset, but she didn't like it. And she certainly didn't like the bad man holding the sharp, pointy thingy either. Especially when he pointed it at Bob like that! Lily's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"This won't hurt at all!" Healer Stein grinned, wielding the vaccine. Scorpius shrank against Draco who murmured words of comfort. He was too occupied to pay attention to his youngest...a big mistake.

Lily stood stock still, glaring at the scene and gurgling in sheer outrage. Bad Man was attacking her Bob! Nobody hurt Lily's Bob! With a surge of determination, she hoisted herself up and tottered over to the would be attacker as fast as her stout little legs would carry her.

In seconds, her target was well within reach. Lily caught one more glance of her brother's terrified expression. It was enough to cement her resolve.

She bared her teeth and pounced.



Harry raised an eyebrow as his mutinous husband entered their small flat, followed by a grinning Scorpius and a smug looking Lily. Oh, this would not be good.

"Do I want to know?" he asked carefully.

His husband shot him a sour look. "Well Harry, let's put it this way- your son is not Gryffindor material, your daughter used a Healer as a teething ring and we are no longer welcome at the St. Mungos’ Pediatrics Ward. If you need me, I'll be upstairs. For the rest of my life."

Harry stared, utterly flummoxed as his husband trudged off. Scratching his head, he turned to ask Scorpius what had happened.

His son was grinning fondly and had set Lily up on his shoulders. "You are my new favorite" he declared, hoisting his giggling sister up and walking off.

Harry shook his head. Maybe he didn't need to know everything...

oneshot, fluff, protective, harry, humour, shots verse, next gen, draco, established, drarry

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