Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Nov 25, 2018 12:28

Title: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (on ao3)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 5,000
Author's notes: Written for a prompt on tumblr: Harry Potter AU where all the Potters live and there’s no war etc. Harry is bi, ends up dating Draco. Cue a torn James Potter, who really wants to hate the kid because he’s a Slytherin and a Malfoy and not that Weasely girl, come on Harry, he liked her. But on the other hand, HE LOVES QUIDDITCH AND HES A SEEKER AND A BLOODY GOOD ONE AT THAT, and he sides with James on debates about players that he always loses against Lily and Harry, so James is very torn about whether he wants to kill the kid or ask him to move in.
Warning(s): AU, blatant disregard for canon, James and Lily live
Pairings: James/Lily, Harry/Draco, Remus/Sirius
Summary: Harry's bringing his boyfriend to dinner. It goes about as well as expected
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any other characters mentioned in this fic. This was written for lulz, not profit.

oneshot, remus, fluff, james, harry, sirius, humour, lily, alternate universe, draco, established, romance, family, drarry

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