HD_Owlpost Reveal #1: All Roads Lead Home (G)

Jan 27, 2016 17:02

Title: All Roads Lead Home
Summary: Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
Word Count: 14,980
Rating: G
Contains: (Highlight to view) *Some angst, mentions of canon-compliant Character Death (Fred)*
Notes: All the glomp in the world for the amazing digthewriter and the fantabulous capitu for alpha reading (despite their super busy schedules). You girls are my heroes. Mods, thank you for the extensions, it’s really appreciated. germankitty, I hope you like this. I used the prompts: ‘first Christmas after the war’ and ‘making peace with the Weasleys’. Happy holidays!

( All Roads Lead Home )

** Cross-posted at hd_owlpost**

charlie, fluff, angst, bill, arthur, harry, ron, fest, long fic, gift, humour, fleur, hermione, percy, molly, draco, owlpost, drarry, george

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