June 26, 2010, marked the end of the exclusivity period for the Draco Big Bang. You are now free to post your stories and artwork elsewhere! The site for the Draco Big Bang will remain open and available for linking, but we would recommend putting your work up somewhere else, just in case something happens.
Under the cuts are the participation banners for all of the authors and artists for the Big Bang, as well as all the betas and cheerleaders named in the Author’s Notes. If your beta(s) or cheerleader(s) aren’t listed, let us know and we’ll get them a banner!
This is the last post of the Draco Big Bang, 2010! Thank you to everyone who participated in any way, and thank you to my co-mods for all of your hard work. I couldn’t have done it without you!!
Best wishes to everyone, and GREAT JOB celebrating Draco’s 30th Birthday!