Title: The Sun at noon to higher air
Wemyss Rating: T
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Word Count: 1210
Summary: Draco has a few words for his parents with reference to his new lover.
Author’s Note: Draco finds his voice. Lucius throws an eppy. Narcissa is managing to keep her countenance and not laugh … just. There are some conversations, however one-sided, one really oughtn’t to have by Floo.
Edited by my ever-reliable tree_and_leaf, noeon, and femmequixotic, whose advice, where taken, was indispensable, and who will be justly entitled to say, where I stubbornly failed to take that sound advice, ‘I told you so’: I admit to a certain pigheadedness and bloody-mindedness in spots.
Artist: Cydciedah
Title: Can't Deny His Charm
Rating: PG
The Sun at noon to higher air All Phase 1 Artwork and Stories