Title: Dark Heart Silhouette
Author/Penname: Elle aka
elle_blessingPrimary Pairing/Characters: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley, Draco
Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass
Rating: R
Warnings: AU
Word Count: ~28,000
Genre: Alternate Universe, Angst, Dark, Drama, Romance
Canon: Alternate Reality/Not Canon
Other characters: Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort, Pansy Parkinson
Summary: In a world where Voldemort won the Second War, Draco finds himself in the fortuitous position of being one of the Dark Lord's favored. The love of two women will drive him to question who he is and what he has become, but it is betrayal that will set in motion the beginning of the end.
Author’s Notes: I have taken the liberty of making Daphne and Astoria cousins instead of sisters, and Michael Corner is Astoria’s half-brother through marriage. Also, endless thanks go to Sam!fiery_flamingo, Liz!amazonmink, V!goddessvicky & Kate!mugglechump for their beta prowess. I couldn't have done it without y'all!
pennswoods Dark Heart Silhouette