Title: They Are As Legion
Author/Penname: River Tempest
Primary Pairing/Characters: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Summary: What is the price of peace? Some things are worth more than others, and Draco Malfoy will finally understand the value of selfless love-that is, if he survives.
Rating: Strong R
Warnings: Character Death, Torture, Violence, Blood, Gore
Word Count: 23,372
Genre: Dark, Drama, Horror, Mystery
Canon: Through HBP, ‘Lightening Struck Tower’
Other characters: Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape, OFC
Author's Notes:
This fic is based loosely on the tale of Thirteen Ghosts, as well as several legends and first-hand accounts concerning the area of Athens, Ohio. Fathomless thanks go to my betas:
dusty273, and
imbloodyenglish. Thank you for putting up with me and my weirdness. Many thanks go to my Brit-picker,
lady_of_clunn, who wrote with me all day on the Saturday before our rough-drafts were due. Eternal special thanks go to
blackoberst for providing the incantation/spell in chapter five and the Latin translation - I promise you didn't forfeit your soul.
mayfly_78 They Are As Legion