Just read Patricia Briggs's new book Hunting Ground. Twas wonderful!!! I love Anna. And I love Charles. And I love a Romance that explores a marriage as it grows and paints an accurate portrait of a victim of sexual abuse and you know what? It makes me happy.
Got Petra from the airport today, then went and took care of my parking permit for next week. Yay getting that done! Picked up Hunting Ground, then picked up Wrath of the Bloodeye by Delaney from the Library. I'm really enjoying his "Last Apprentice" Series. I'm loving how good and spooking it is.
Speaking of spooky, my TBR pile from the library is huge. I've really got to get cracking on it before next Tuesday because that's when they are all due. I will get done with the Kenyon and the other Lois McMaster Bujold books by tomorrow, then I'll tackle the rest.
The Rest, in no particular order are:
White Lies by Jane Ann Krentz
Captives of the Night by Loretta Chase
Lord Perfect by Loretta Chase
Ill Met in the Arena by Dave Duncan
The Edge of the Sword by Rebecca Tingle
Far Traveler by Rebecca Tingle
Mimus by Lilli Thal (translated by John Brownjohn)
Prince of Ayodhya by Ashok K. Banker
Siege of Mithila by Ashok K. Banker
The New Policeman by Kate Thompson
Brisinger by Christopher Paolini
Magic or Madness by Justine Larbalestier
Its quite the list, now that I look at it. I figure I'll get through about seven of those books before Tuesday, and I can always renew the rest. I like having new books to read without buying them. Perhaps I will gain some 'insta-buy' authors this way. After all, that's how Briggs became an insta-buy author.
Now. To finish my day off, here is my Control Journal for FlyLady!!!
* Morning Routine:Done
* What's For Dinner? Lunch was chicken salad club, Snack was a sugar free Popsicle and some gummy bears. Dinner was cornbread, goulashe, and mayo slaw. Two glasses of sweet tea
* Drink Your Water (Three bottles)
* Declutter for 15 Minutes: Washed outside windows on ladder
* Before Bed Routine:
-Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
-Check Your Calendar
-Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
-Where are your Keys? (At launch pad/in purse)
-Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
-Shine Your Sink
- Wash face/Brush Teeth
-Go to Bed at a Decent Hour
Zone 4: Mission #2 Tuesday
Dear Friends,
Yesterday I had you look up and get rid of the dusties and now I am
telling you to look DOWN! Check out the two inches of floor around
the baseboards, check out how dusty the baseboards are!
Remember this week is Anti-Procrastination Week and we are doing the
things that we procrastinate doing!You can vacuum them or you can take
a toilet brush (dry) and run it around the edges of the carpet to
loosen up any stuff that is around the walls and the baseboards and
then vacuum.