Dear Valentine's Day meme:

Feb 12, 2009 11:58

In celebration of the imminent holiday-- a meme!

We may not all have sweethearts, but that doesn't mean we don't have love in our lives! Whether it's a deep commitment or a passing crush, it's time to celebrate the little loves that make life worth living.

I am currently in love with...

THIS SONG: Blue October's X Amount of Words. I adore the beats in the music and it is just...hypnotic and lovely.

THIS MOVIE: What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams. Probably my favorite movie evar.

THIS FOOD: like lots of foods. I guess anything with tortellinis...

THIS TV SHOW:House. Because he's just an ass like that.

THIS BOOK: Eon- Dragoneye Reborn. I'm currently in love with the plot and can't wait to see whats going to happen next!

THIS FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Jeez...its a tie between Kelandry from the Tamora Peirce books, Tarma from the Mercedes Lackey short stories, and Eona from the Alison Goodman books.

THIS CAUSE: Women for Women International. Its a program that allows women from developed countries to sponsor women in underdeveloped countries that need help getting on their feet. These are women that have been raped, lost their families to war, or political upheaval. WfWi takes these women into their protection and teaches them job skills, the laws of their land, how to read, and helps them get property so that they can support their families. Many of the women that are helped by this cause go on to teach their daughters, their sons, and their family members. They share their learning and through this become more independent citizens. WfWi is totally dependent on donations and the sponsership of their students. . There is the website. Look at it and see if there is a woman you can sponsor.

THIS ARTICLE OF CLOTHING: pants. I wear them practically every day now that I have Yoga and Aerobics 4 times a week.

THIS HOBBY: Bento boxes!

THIS OTHER THING THAT I WANT TO MENTION: Teaching! I love teachers and love teaching. There that's the other thing.
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