Stand back children!....Daddy's bleeding radiators!!

May 08, 2009 20:13

My Michael McIntyre tickets arrived today!!! Woohoo! It's not until September but I am so excited about this gig! I might have to watch his DVD again tonight. :D

Tis the year of gigs! I have Take That in June (July? huh, not sure), U2 at WEMBLEY FRICKIN' STADIUM in August and Michael in Sept. :D And also I am incapable of simply saying "Wembley Stadium". Wembley deserves some squee, coz OMG..arguably the biggest band in the world @ WEMBLEY FRICKIN' STADIUM! I'm a titchy bit excited... *g*

I also would very much like to purchase Eddie Izzard tickets for October!! Saw them on sale yesterday. £33. OH doesn't want to go! *cries* So I have to find someone else to go sharpish! I can't go alone.....can I? ......No. No, that's sad. Lol.

I want to buy House DVD's. offtheplane's links to those gifs convinced me I need to watch House. Gonna try and find a few eps online this weekend and see if I like it. I think I will. I like Hugh Laurie and Jessie Spencer(!!) is in it!! Billy from Neighbours! I had such a crush on him...

Tonight is my usual Friday-ness. Laptop, DVD's/TV (Mac! Yay!!), frozen chocolate (Twix this week) and Haribo. :D Good times.

Newcastle v. Middlesborough tomorrow. Don't think I've even mentioned it on LJ before...but I'm a Newcastle fan. Normally, I'm kind of a half-assed fan, but this weekend the boys need support! Howay the lads! We can't go down...we just...can't. And it definitely can't be the end by losing to Boro!
OH will laugh his ass off and be unbearable if we do. He's a Manc. And he has this...thing...about slagging off Alan Shearer.

tv, rl - gigs, footie

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