(no subject)

Apr 27, 2009 20:01

First off, Happy Birthday to
pepper_field and sharp2799 !! Hope you both have/had a wonderful day! :D

* Changed my layout again. As much as I adore my Sparky banner, I really didn't like the layout I had it in. And stupid Firefox didn't let me see the banner anyway.  So he's in a separate post all on his lonesome right at the top of my journal.

* Sparky has a new nickname. He shall henceforth also be known as "Stunt God". Heh.

* OH's birthday tomorrow. Went in to town this aft (my last early finish day *cries* I'm full time from tomorrow!) looked around for pressies and decided I suck at shopping for other people. Got him "The Day The Earth Stood Still" because I know he wants that and then I cheated and got him a gift card for Next. He can do his own shopping. Lol. Also got him a cake. Heh.

* Incedentally, popped into W H Smith's to get the SG mag with the SGU special in it? Well it's not out yet, must be next issue. Was going to buy it anyway until I picked up this flimsy mag that, on a flick through, had next to nothing in it and was £3.99! Um..no. Lol. It used to be such a cool, thick, glossy with tons of stuff in, well worth 4 quid, but not now. Hmmm. Not impressed.

* Had a bit of a wake up call today. OH texted me in the middle of the day in a panic that the laptop was buggered. The laptop that has the ONLY copies of some of my fic! ARGH! NEED TO BACK UP!!! Got that Kirst? Back. Up. Thankfully I didn't lose anything and the lappy is ok. *phew*

* Made the mistake of going into Waterstone's today. But, BUT, I didn't buy any books! It took a hell of a lot of self restraint (my brain screaming  I WANT I WANT I WANT! and money burning a hole in my pocket) but I walked out empty handed. *iz proud* I have way too much stuff to read atm.

* Finally, I'm reading The Hippopotamus by Stephen Fry. I'm about half way through. Stephen Fry is a very very very dirty boy! Lol. If you've read it, I think you'll know what I mean. David and Lilac? Dirty dirty boy. Lol.

fanfic, stephen fry, oh, lj, stargate, sparky, books, birthdays

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