Crazy Day!

Apr 16, 2009 19:27

* Work was mental today. One of those days. We get pallets of infusions on thursday morning and there's usually 3 or 4 for the delivery, 5 max. This morning we got.....16!! *headdesk* LOL! A whole 17.5 ton truck full off stuff for us that was ordered by mistake! Whoops! Lol. Thankfully, not my fault! Hehe. So yeah, with that start to our day, there was only one way it was heading. lol. Ah well, it's done now, Friday tomorrow!!

* On a positive work note, I should start my new job in the department on 5th May!! Woohoo! I'm so ridiculously bored with my work at the moment so I can't wait to get started on something new. :) I already feel much more valuable at work. I'm having to train my colleague to do a couple of the extra jobs I do at the moment and it's great to be included in the discussions about the changes in the department and actually feeling like my opinions matter and I'm actually being listened to. Although today I have learned about a whole new set of office politics that I was only peripherally aware of before now. Trying not to get sucked in. My boss is trying to stop me from getting sucked into it too. It's stuff that has been going on for about twenty years by the sound of it! Yeah.....staying happily perched on my fence thank you! Lol.

* I may have Sam/Jack/Siler porn to post later if I can polish it to a version I'm happy with. :)

* I wanted something light to read at work. The last couple of books I read were pretty intense so this morning I grabbed "The Hippopotamus" by Stephen Fry off my bookshelf. Started reading it at lunch and it's LOL funny! Gonna have to watch that at work, hehe. I'm not very far into it, but there's one line that stuck in my head aaaalllllll afternoon:

"I love small women, they make my dick look so much bigger"

LOL! STEPHEN FRY wrote that! And for some reason my mind immediately connected it with Jack/Janet!! *g*

* I'm still sick. My voice has gone really croaky, I have a very annoying tickly cough and I've been fluctuating between boiling hot and freezing cold all day. Ugh. Oh and I have period cramps too. Brilliant. Just what I need. *headdesk* My body feels like shit at the moment. lol. But at least my head's ok.

rl - work, fanfic, books, rl - health

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