Insignificance is a killer...

Apr 07, 2009 21:28

* I had a horrible moment at work today. In fact, it was a pretty sucky day in general. For starters, i woke up at 8.15am. I start work at 8.30. Whoops! So I had to rush like crazy to get to work. Made it at 8.40 to glares from my boss (who was in a foul mood yesterday and apparently not much better today) and more snarky, snide comments from Sgt. Major Twatface. Which brings me to the crappiness.

We had a vistor to work today. He was being shown round and introduced to people, and when they got to our section I was busy working around the corner and didn't get an immediate introduction. That's no problem, happens all the time and I'd rather not be distracted when I'm right in the middle of something. The woman showing the guy around introduced him to my colleague, Sgt. Major (insert insult of the day here). they were chatting away and I was listening in and found out who he was. Turns out the's the guy I will have to liase with (from another hospital) when I start my new position at work and he came to meet the people who will be essentially taking over some of his job. Both of these colleagues know I am in line for that job and they know that the job will entail me talking to this guy probably on a daily basis, but failed to introduce me, so I decided to let them all know I was there.

The woman showing the guy around was explaining what we do in our section, BUT every single sentence out of her mouth was "This is where Sgt Maj. does this, this is where he does that, etc." as if he worked entirely alone. Now, it annoys the FUCK out of me when people treat him like he's in charge, but this really takes the biscuit. So I stepped around the corner, smiled, made a point of getting close enough to be noticed without being rude and interrupting. My introduction? A dismissive "oh and this is Kirsty, she works here too," as they walked right past me!

Can you see the steam coming out of my ears?? For fuck's sake, I'm used to being underappreciated at work, but this was just too much. So yeah, I felt like crap. went for my teabreak before I spontaneously combusted and had to listen to my boss ranting about how there was a meeting today, which I think was about the changes that are being made, including my new position, and how nobody had told her anything about it. All the while, giving me VERY pointed looks. I was told NOT to discuss this with anybody by the boss of the whole department.

My job sucks. I don't get paid enough for this shit.

*deep breath*

* Started reading some of the jacksamfriends fics and OMG they are awesome! Who knew I could like gen fic this much?? :) Plus I'm getting to use a load of icons that I don't normally. Hehe. Is anyone else finding it very very hard to not reply to the feedback they're being left?? I won't, because it'll ruin the spirit of the ficathon, but it's so hard to not automatically hit that reply button! Lol.

* It's only 7 weeks until my hols! Yay! Can't believe it's come around so quickly! We've started planning our route properly and have the first two night's B&B booked right near the Cairngorms National Park. Booking our ferry tickets and the B&B on Mull sometime tomorrow hopefully. :D We're gonna go out this weekend to a nearby nature reserve and practice a bit with the new camera. :)

* Anyone else playing Mob Wars on FB? I'm completely addicted and could really use some more people in my mob so if you want to join my mob I'm Kirsty841 on there too. :)

scotland, rl - work suckage, ficathon, gen, rl - holiday, facebook, sam/jack

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