
Feb 22, 2010 22:01

Glee... it's killing me!

Ok first... Will/Emma!! Holy crap! "Sunglasses are so sexy" actually made me squeal. Out loud. And then the Thong song with the flirting and the giggling and the almost-a-kiss... How long can they drag this out?? I can't cope with another 8 year long ship/angst fest. Lol.

Oooh, Ken's suspicious and jealous...

Rachel/Puck!! What the HELL?? I mean, I kind of like it because if Finn finds out it'll drive him crazy, but OMG!!

"Sweet Caroline"... wow. Glee makes songs I don't normally like ridiculously awesome!

Sue Sylvester. I love her. "Why can't people marry dogs?" "Intimacy has no place in a marriage." "Like two Walruses wrestling" That's how Sue C's it. She's amazing.

Woah!!! Sue/Schu!!!! :D It's there people! They are so hot for each other. *g* That dance was epic!

"You sunk my battleship Rod, you sunk it HARD" LMAO!!

Wow, that dress is gorgeous! And Will totally just got caught playing with a garter... lol!

Gah!! How many times can they share that look in one ep and not kiss?!

Finn!! Get your ass to Glee club! Grrrr! AND DON'T YOU DARE SLUSHIE KURT!!!!

Oh, Kurt! :(

Rod is gonna lose his nuts I think!! LOL! I somehow don't think Sue is gonna let that go easily!

Puck is kinda messed up! More than I realised. Poor guy.

"I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat, I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat, and then on some cold, dark night I will steal a way into your home and punch you in the face!" ROFLMAO!!!!

Uh oh...The Wrath Of Sue...

Those two songs don't go together... oh the subtext!

How does this show just get better by the episode?? Love it!

ep review, tv - glee, squeeage

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