"Are you out of your Vulcan mind?"

Feb 21, 2010 20:16

We finally saw the new Star Trek movie last night...

I enjoyed it! It was fun, if a little cheesy. I'm not really into Star Trek so I didn't have any of the "OMG, that's so wrong!!" reactions I've seen around the internet. We did kind of take the piss a little bit though. Lol.

Regarding the "canon fail" reactions...wasn't that the whole point? That real!Spock (as we referred to him throughout) came back from the future and everything changed? OH's friend was very confused, bless him. Lol. When Spock meets his future-self near the end and they're talking, he said, "I thought that was his dad?!" Um....no. That's Leonard Nimoy. That's Spock from the future. real!Spock. The conversation ended on a failtastic, "they all look the bloody same..." LOL.

"Future Romulans..." "Did he just say Futurama?!"
"Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" made us all laugh!
And also... is Uhura's first name YODA?? LOL. I'm sure it's not, but that's what we all heard.

Plus, there were the obligatory, "Sylar, just slice his head open!" jokes. Zachary Quinto...I love him. He was brilliant. Spock/Uhura! OMG! So pretty!

Simon Pegg was also awesome. :D And I spotted Paul McGillion and his tiny, tiny, minute-long appearance. Lol.

The ship/slash potential was off the charts! I got:

Spock/Uhura (obvs!)
Scotty/McCoy (how????)

Anybody got links to good fics that won't rely on me having seen any other Star Treks?

star trek, movies

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