I'm still off sick. :(

Nov 24, 2009 21:14

I really, really don't want to go in tomorrow either, but that's gonna cause all kinds of problems. There's someone off already on holiday this week and my closest colleague doesn't work Wednesdays, which basically means there's nobody to do my job tomorrow. Also, I have some work that has to be finished by Friday, and if I don't go I'll never get it in on time, because it has to go through our finance dept. by Friday, and they suck. OH told me not to go if I don't feel up to it. And I spoke to a colleague on FB who said the same thing, but I just feel so guilty.

I'm not sure yet. If I don't feel like absolute hell in the morning, I'll go.

On a brighter note, I woke up to a full inbox this morning afternoon. Lots of emails from people just confirming they'd got their Secret Santa assignment, or just to say thanks, or with questions (one person I'd forgot to put who their Secret Santa was for! D'oh!). It was kinda nice. Can't wait to see them all!

I'm kinda worried about RL Christmas this year, so if the flaily, whiney, "OMG this sucks!" posts start soon, you can just ignore them. OH invited his mother here for Christmas Day, which I was totally on board with, until I realised that it would be just the three of us sat around the dinner table, and that's bad enough when we go round on Sundays, nevermind on Christmas Day. That empty chair just makes me want to cry and cry... which is selfish, I suppose, but I really don't want that on Christmas Day.

My plan is to ask my mum if we can all go there instead. I'm sure it will still be hard, but at least there will be a whole bunch of people and not just us three not knowing what the hell to do or say. I'd feel kinda guilty for dragging them all down with us, but I really don't think I could cope otherwise. Not this year anyway.

Or would that remind him and his mum too much of last year?

*sigh* I just don't fucking know what's best TBH...

rl - work, rl- health, rl - family, christmas, secret santa 2009

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