(no subject)

Oct 29, 2009 20:50

One more day left at work until my week off. I hope tomorrow goes quickly. I'm sooooo ready for some time off.
But even that has turned stressful. Apparently my boss didn't know I was off next week, which is bullshit. I asked for it in September and today I counted FIVE calendars it was marked on. On Wednesday of next week there is apparently nobody to do my job. WTF? It got hinted at today that I might want to come in next Wednesday to cover...errrr, fuck that! No way. Not my fuck up, not my responsibility to make sure there's cover for annual leave.

I got my Kirby today! :D I'm far too excited about this. Lol. But it's so shiny! It's barely been used by the look of it and some of the attachments look like they've never been used. The shampoo unit is still factory packed in it's original box and the bottle of shampoo is unopened. It feels very very wrong that I'm looking forward to unpacking it all and doing housework! Lol. £100...billy bargain. :)

So...where's all the good SGU fic hiding? What I've read so far has been pretty shockingly bad. One in particular...*shudder*

rl - work, fanfic, house stuffs, sgu

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