*waves Union Jack*

Oct 18, 2009 22:23


Jenson Button = World Champion! :) And I love that he's not modest at all! Even if that's not very British of him. Heh. Quote: "I think I thoroughly desreve it." Lol. At least he's honest!

Beth Tweddle = Two golds at the European Championships so far! Go Beth! Soooo refreshing to see a gymnast win who has a few curves and muscles and isn't a skinny little girl. Her thighs! OMG. I love that she really shows her strength when she's tumbling. Plus, she seems to be hitting her peak at 24. That's so cool.

X Factor.

I'm torn this week. I'm really not impressed this year at all. I think Joe's my fave. Maybe Jamie. I don't particularly like anyone else. And those fucking twins!! OMG trainwreck TV or what??

The judges are driving me a little crazy, and not in a good way. I thought last year they had the banter just right and were only critiscising each other where it was due. This year, they seem to be playing games and sniping at each other for no reason. We're back to Sharon Osbourne-type drama which I don't like. (Although I would pay good money to see Cheryl really lay into Simon and throw a drink in his face. lol. )

My little RPF couple seem to have had a tiff this year. Where's the sparkage and the banter and the flirting? They're very hostile this year. And her body language when he tried to hug her just screamed "get the fuck away from me". :( But I did notice the wink he gave her and the kiss she blew him while she was on stage. So maybe they're ok.

Whitney...woah! She looked almost as smashed as Robbie did last week! And she was being so weird! Why did she keep looking at the floor? And poor Dermot clearly got a "keep your mitts to yourself" look. Awwww, *pets Dermot* What are they doing to people backstage? Lol! At least there's absolutely no chance of Michael Buble or Westlife showing up stoned next week. Lol.

tv, rpf, x factor, british sport

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