You DARE harsh my squee on Sanctuary Day????

Oct 12, 2009 20:39


I hate hate hate it when I post about looking forward to a show and someone replies with "You don't watch that do you?" *frowns*

I don't expect everybody to like it, but please don't slag it off an hour before the ep I've been waiting for all fucking YEAR!! *is grumpy*

They recommended Warehouse 13 instead because it's "much better". Coincedentally, I happened to be watching the first ep as they wrote it. It's not better. Not by a long shot...

I wanted to love this show. Really, I did. The synopsis for it sounds awesome. It should be quirky, fun, Eureka-esque sci-fi. What I got was a confusing plot (I might not have been paying 100% attention to it, but still...), characters that annoyed the crap out of me and well dodgy special effects.

Sanctuary and SGU might have ruined SFX for me. Lol. They were just, well, crap, to be perfectly honest!

The characters...ugh. Saul Rubinek was just irritating. The other two - hmmmm. I didn't like the whole "We both have something lurking in our past that we think you need to know about, but we're gonna drag it out a bit over this first ep" thing going on. It just didn't work. There was no tension built, no suspense; the "tease" didn't work at all. The two agents have no chemistry together. I can see what they're trying to do, but so far it's falling a little flat. They're opposites, but wow, they actually work quite well as a team! OMG! Shocker, yes?? *eyeroll*

As for the woman, is she just the stroppiest secret service agent in the world or what? Her little tantrum on the phone to her boss. Wow. Men writing this by any chance? She actually did stomp her feet up the corridor.

And even I know that if you're involved in a car accident, you don't get people out by grabbing them under the shoulders and hauling them out through the boot before you've at least tried to assess how hurt they are.

*sigh* Gonna give it a few more eps before I give up, but the pilot has not impressed me at all.

tv, sanctuary, warehouse 13

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