X Factor RPF needed!!

Oct 11, 2009 19:25

Holy shit!

I'm watching last night's. Cheryl/Simon...get a room pls?

They're all being absolute bitches, but Cheryl and Simon...it's practically foreplay! I'm just not sure I can write this stuff and make it believable. I've discovered I'm not so good and building sexual tension between my characters. Lol. I'm much better at resolving it. Heh.

Oh, and also, Olly/Robbie Williams! :D

Overall, not that impressed with most of them. Lucie, Danyl, Jamie, Joe and Miss Frank are the only ones with any chance of winning I think. And WTF Danni Minogue?? She's obviously feeling very threatened by Danyl and feels she has to sabotage him and play games for her acts to beat him.

And Robbie's back baby!!! :D :D :D Even though his new song kinda sucks. I think I preferred Rudebox!

I may have to start recording SGU on a Wednesday at 9pm instead of Tuesdays at 8. Thanks to Sky One and the bloody watershed, they cut a certain scene out of the pilot. Whether it's gratuitous and not important to the plot or not, I'd rather they left the episode alone, tyvm. *sigh* This means waiting an extra day. Why can't they just put it on at 9pm on Tuesdays??

RIP Stephen Gately!! :( What is going on this year? Celebs dropping like flies. And he was only 33. Scary, scary stuff. Apparently he just went to sleep last night and didn't wake up.

tv, x factor, sgu

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