Daffy in Spaaaaaace!!

Oct 06, 2009 22:13

*has Pepsi and snacks*
*unplugs phone*

Next.... EEEEEE!!! And didn't I tell you? A whole week of TV space and they put two of my shows on at the same time!! Grrrrr! At least it's only this week it clashes.

Awww, Robert Carlyle: "it's been one of the highlights of my career".

Cool music.

That ship is HUGE!! *squees at guest star credits* Heh.

Oh ouch! People and stuff flying out of the gate all over the place. Why did the Colonel get thrown out so hard and right across the room?? Ouch!

Oooooh, Rush is just watching the chaos from above and smiling! Are we in for a little Daffy-like craziness? *g*

Oh bugger! I thought that was gonna be an ad for a Stargate computer game or somthing! LOL!

RDA RDA RDA!!! sharing screen time with Robert Carlyle and his sexy accent. *swoons* Awww, I've missed Jack!

LOL! What?? They recruit geeky geniuses with computer games?? Heh, I like Eli already. And his "You are here" t-shirt.

Daniel sounds supremely pissed off that he has to do the Stargate 101 video. Hehe. "Hi, I'm Troy McClure, you may have seen me in such films as..." Lol.

Eli's taking pictures on his camera phone of the top secret off-world base! LOL!

Chevron guy is doing it wrong. *rolls eyes* Get Walter in there.

Safety is clearly not Rush's first priority. Robert Carlyle does dark characters so well. The woman in the photograph? His wife? There's a ring on his left hand. I think I found my "Jack" of this show already. :)

Sam! And Marks! :D I totally missed who was attacking the base, and why. Love the action stuff! It looks very cool. The evacuation of the base...wow, so much going on, so many little hints about the people in the show. The sergeant in detention, the medic (TJ?) and the colonel (what is going on there??), Rush not wanting to let his work go to waste and taking a hell of a big risk with everybody's life.

"Can't be worse than here, can it?" Oh Eli! Don't you watch TV? These people can't count to three!!

No no no no no!!! It's raining and my TV signal has gone all squiffy!!!!! *cries*


Ok, signal is back. Part 2 has already started. :(

OMG yes, red is bad!! Holy crap!

Ok I  missed the bit with Jack so now I'm wondering if Jack really put Rush in charge. I doubt it very much.

Ahhh! That's why the online eps are called "Kino" eps!! Lol. I was wondering. :) And they are very cool.

Yikes! It's the leiutenant's first SG mission? Wow. I love how he's the one keeping his head and getting everybody organised. Isn't it a bit odd for Young to put him in charge though? What happened to...er.... Lou Diamond Phillips? Wouldn't there be more, higher ranking, officers on the base? Or did they all shoot off into the battle in the 302's?

LOL! Eli and the Kino.

So who's going to volunteer to go into the room and shut the door? Can't see it being Rush somehow.

Ok, emphatically not Rush! And he wants to sacrifice the least skilled, least valuable person? I can kind of see his point, but ouch!

I really wasn't expecting the senator to do it! Or for Chloe to go and kick the crap out of Rush.

Rush is definitely the most intriguing character so far. He has that single minded focus on his work, but there's a sense that it's fuelled by something much more desperate than simply to gain knowledge.

Ascension wasn't in Daniel's video? But...it's Daniel! How could it not be?

I am confused about the ship stopping when there's a planet with a stargate and dialling it thing. I mean, I get it, but how does that work? Aren't the symbols supposed to be points in space that are used as a reference for where the stargate is? So if the ship is moving all the time, how do they know what to dial to get back? Or is that handwaved away by the nine-chevron "address" suddenly becoming a "code"? Stargate science, dontcha just love it?

And did they even check there wass a dialling device of some kind on the planet? Didn't we learn way back in SG1 season 1 to check the DHD?

Overall... I definitely like it and will continue watching! :) It's certainly much darker than the stargate I'm used to, but I like that. I'm kind of feeling that this is what Atlantis should have been, y'know? And I like the format. Instead of just a one-shot story, they've opened up a whole slew of minor plots and tiny little teases of the characters and their backstories.

Robert Carlyle. Wow, he hasn't disappointed at all! I love this character, even though he's an absolutely asshole in some ways. Opinionated on everything, not afraid to say what he thinks, even if he does piss people off, but he's also very sly and sneaky, nobody trusts him, including the audience. Very intriguing. I want to know how his brain works.

Well, apart from the Sky Box fail (!!) it was awesome! :D Gonna see if I got the Jack bit on the recording. And then go and read everyone else's reviews. :)

ep review, sgu

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