Aug 21, 2009 19:33
Only by about half an inch, but OMG!!! *glee*
Been on my feet most of today, so I've been noticing more that I keep needing to hitch them up. I have my Friday treat in the freezer (bar of Galaxy) but it's my reward and I haven't had ANY chocolate since last weekend.
I've decided I need weighing scales and a tape measure to do this properly. There's a woman in the office who's just joined Weight Watchers (something I will not be doing) and she's taken her "before" pics and weighed herself and taken measurements of her waist, bust, hips, thighs and biceps. She's gonna weigh once a week and measure once a month. Sounds like a good plan! I'm always scared that I'll put too much pressure on myself if I diet properly, but keeping track seems like a good idea. Knowing the weight is actually coming off feels fantastic, even if it is only a little bit. Seriously considering joining the gym too. Our local one does monthly subscriptions so you don't get tied in for a year and they have a really big pool.
It's bad enough at work that I've somehow got this "teacher's pet" reputation because my boss likes me, and everyone else seems to clash with her. I never have and she's always been very nice to me. Today, she actually patted me on the back! In front of people!! *headdesk*
I think The Return may just be my favourite SGA ep.
rl - work,
rl - health