I've had an odd day...

Aug 10, 2009 21:06

First off, I got up this morning and the dog wasn't here. He was at his "Grandma's" for the night and it totally threw me that I didn't have to let him out or give him his breakfast.

When I got to work, I'd just settled myself at my desk and turned my computer on and I got dragged back round into stores! My colleague had been taken into hospital yesterday leaving Sgt. Major on his own! And neither of our bosses were there either! My colleague is ok, they let her out of hospital this afternoon, but she's been told to take at least two days off. I'm fully expecting her to try and attempt work tomorrow. She's just like that. Personally, if a doc told me to take two days off, I'd take it without question! Lol. I hope the bosses have enough sense to send her home.

My boss didn't nag me about making a doc's appt today, but she did ask me once and then give me a "look" when I told her I hadn't made it yet. Hmmmm. I better call them tomorrow. I still have a headache.

I watched "Jack of Lies" last night and my brain started playing around with ideas about Mac/Mike fic...and also Mac & Mike & Jack touring the world and getting into trouble fic.... Noooooo!! I hate my brain!! Too many bunnies already!

This Friday is U2.


At Wembley!!!

*sqeuals* OMG!!! Only four more sleeps!! :D :D :D

Also, tomorrow is mine and OH's anniversary. Awwwww. Lol. We're not even married, it's the anniversary of the day we officially got together. 3 years tomorrow. We're going to our usual anniversary place (yes, we have one of those *blushes*) on Thursday instead because of OH's work.

rl - work, macgyver, fanfic, u2, oh, rl - health

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